On Taking the Road Less Travelled By
Notes from the wild…on beginning again.
Autumn in full colour last week @ Redburn Country Park with my dog Cara.
I was reading Say Yes: Discover the Surprising Life beyond the Death of a Dream by Scott Erikson this week. It’s a book about not giving up on yourself. I would fully recommend it. The thing that spoke to me most was his idea of seeing ourselves,already, right where we are, as a ‘contribution’ rather than comparing ourselves to others and focusing on how far we still have to go. There’s a chapter heading called ‘Slow Daily Work’ where he references how a budding writer doesn’t begin feeling or believing that they’re a writer. They begin by regularly developing a habit and discipline of practicing the art of writing. They begin by showing up for themselves on the page or at the table, in the coffee shop or opening the laptop. And eventually, gaining confidence each time, they publish their first article. When I was reading, it was one of those times when something literally speaks into the here and now of your life and you feel such a sense of mutuality. You can name your own beginning again here - of course it doesn’t have to be writing…perhaps it’s fine art drawing, water colour painting, singing, dancing. You get the gist.
I turned 40 this month. They say life begins at 40…so the saying goes. I do actually feel this in so many ways. It’s not the picture perfect life I had imagined. There’s much that I had hoped for at this stage in life that hasn’t happened. Much I’ve had to grieve and continue to grieve. Much disappointment. But in the midst of the disappointment and while I’m still grieving the loss of the idea of some things panning out a certain way, I do actually believe that I’m beginning again. I can sense it. Like leaves that shed from trees each year, each year I feel like I’ve shed a little more, been shaped a little more, let go a little more, sometimes endured a little more, cried a little more, laughed a little more. The edges within me are softening with each year. 40 feels significant. Not because my dreams are big or I have all these ideas that I want to achieve but because more & more I’m beginning to make choices that are good for me. More and more I’m learning to lean into the different seasons in my life. More and more I’m recognising the ebbs and flows. I’m learning to worry less about the outcome. I think this is what Scott meant by the surprising life beyond the death of your dream. When we accept the things we cannot change there’s almost a sigh of relief. I’m not in control as much as I ever believed that I was. Thank the Lord! I’m small fry in this big world and that my friend in some ways is comforting. I’m wide open. So here’s to possibility. Here’s to roads less travelled. Here’s to loosening our grip and stretching out our palms.
The road less travelled by - Robert Frost
I went to see Marcus Mumford tonight at The Limelight in Belfast with my brother as birthday presents to each other. It’s like his voice or sound or combination of all of those things is anointed.
Here’s a snippet of Marcus solo…without the Sons.
Even the famous begin again…magical!
Marcus Mumford solo launching his new album “self-titled” @ The Limelight, Belfast 27th Nov 2022
I’ll leave you with this…a reading of ”For a New Beginning” by John O’Donohue.
Sometimes I like being read to…so I thought I’d offer this for you in case you’re the same…
A link to the transcript of the poem is here as well.
So here’s to beginning… again,
and again,
and again,
and again…
I hope this speaks gently to you on your way.
Until the next time.